Sunday, March 23, 2014

Nice CIM Article - Memex Automation Gains Chief Technology Officer

CIM - Canadian Industrial Machinery, is an excellent magazine and I am honored that CIM would carry my announcement of joining Memex Automation.

Below is my quote in the article:

“I am thrilled to be joining the Memex Automation team as the chief technology officer in an ownership position to drive technology, create new opportunities, and help it become a global power in manufacturing solutions,” said Edstrom.

Below is Dave McPhail, President and Chairman of the Board for Memex Automation's quote:

“I’m delighted Dave has joined our ownership and leadership team, as it enables him to continue to lead the global manufacturing sector out of the 20th century and into the 21st century with an MTConnect- based universal machine to machine productivity solution,” said Memex Automation President and CEO David McPhail."